Use CreateSecureStoreApplicationID function to new SharePoint Secure Store Application ID using Powershell.
Parameters :
- $sssName - Mandatory - SharePoint Web Url - e.g. http://server:port/
- $sssFriendlyName - Mandatory - SharePoint Library Name
- $sssContactEmail - Mandatory - File Path on hard drive , e.g. .\abc.xlsx
- $sssAdminIdentity
- $sssAdminPassword
- $defaultServiceContextUrl
function CreateSecureStoreApplicationID
Start-SPAssignment -Global
$SecureStoreServiceInstances = Get-SPServiceInstance | ? {$_.GetType().Equals([Microsoft.Office.SecureStoreService.Server.SecureStoreServiceInstance])}
$SecureStoreServiceInstance = $SecureStoreServiceInstances | ? {$_.Server.Address -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME}
If (-not $?)
Throw " - Failed to find Secure Store service instance"
if ($SecureStoreServiceInstance.Status -eq "Disabled")
Throw "-Secure Store Service Application is disabled"
$defaultServiceContext = Get-SPServiceContext $defaultServiceContextUrl
$ssApp = Get-SPSecureStoreApplication -ServiceContext $defaultServiceContext -Name $sssName -ea "SilentlyContinue"
if ($?)
Write-Host "."
Write-Host "."
throw $error[0].Exception
$ssApp = $null
if ($ssApp -ne $null)
Write-Host -f yellow "Secure Store Service Application $sssName already exists"
Write-Host -f yellow "Creating new Secure Store Application Id"
$UserNameField = new-spsecurestoreapplicationfield -name "Windows UserName" -type WindowsUserName -masked:$false
$PasswordField = new-spsecurestoreapplicationfield -name "Windows Password" -type WindowsPassword -masked:$true
$fields = $UserNameField, $PasswordField
$targetApp = new-spsecurestoretargetapplication -Name $sssName -FriendlyName $sssFriendlyName -ContactEmail $sssContactEmail -ApplicationType Group
$targetAppAdminAccount = New-SPClaimsPrincipal -Identity $sssAdminIdentity -IdentityType WindowsSamAccountName
$ownerClaims = New-SPClaimsPrincipal -EncodedClaim "c:0(.s|true"
$ssApp = new-spsecurestoreapplication -ServiceContext $defaultServiceContext -TargetApplication $targetApp -Administrator $targetAppAdminAccount -Fields $fields -CredentialsOwnerGroup $ownerClaims
# Set credential (username, password) for SSS
$ssApp = Get-SPSecureStoreApplication -ServiceContext $defaultServiceContext -Name $sssName
$credSecValue1 = ConvertTo-SecureString $sssAdminIdentity -AsPlainText -Force
$credSecValue2 = ConvertTo-SecureString $sssAdminPassword -AsPlainText -Force
$credentialValues = $credSecValue1,$credSecValue2
write-host -f Green "Success"
# Fill in the values for the fields in the target application
Write-Host -f yellow "Updating Secure Store Application $sssName Identity Credential Values"
Update-SPSecureStoreGroupCredentialMapping -Identity $ssApp -Values $credentialValues
write-host -f Green "...Success"
Stop-SPAssignment -Global
Start-SPAssignment -Global
$SecureStoreServiceInstances = Get-SPServiceInstance | ? {$_.GetType().Equals([Microsoft.Office.SecureStoreService.Server.SecureStoreServiceInstance])}
$SecureStoreServiceInstance = $SecureStoreServiceInstances | ? {$_.Server.Address -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME}
If (-not $?)
Throw " - Failed to find Secure Store service instance"
if ($SecureStoreServiceInstance.Status -eq "Disabled")
Throw "-Secure Store Service Application is disabled"
$defaultServiceContext = Get-SPServiceContext $defaultServiceContextUrl
$ssApp = Get-SPSecureStoreApplication -ServiceContext $defaultServiceContext -Name $sssName -ea "SilentlyContinue"
if ($?)
Write-Host "."
Write-Host "."
throw $error[0].Exception
$ssApp = $null
if ($ssApp -ne $null)
Write-Host -f yellow "Secure Store Service Application $sssName already exists"
Write-Host -f yellow "Creating new Secure Store Application Id"
$UserNameField = new-spsecurestoreapplicationfield -name "Windows UserName" -type WindowsUserName -masked:$false
$PasswordField = new-spsecurestoreapplicationfield -name "Windows Password" -type WindowsPassword -masked:$true
$fields = $UserNameField, $PasswordField
$targetApp = new-spsecurestoretargetapplication -Name $sssName -FriendlyName $sssFriendlyName -ContactEmail $sssContactEmail -ApplicationType Group
$targetAppAdminAccount = New-SPClaimsPrincipal -Identity $sssAdminIdentity -IdentityType WindowsSamAccountName
$ownerClaims = New-SPClaimsPrincipal -EncodedClaim "c:0(.s|true"
$ssApp = new-spsecurestoreapplication -ServiceContext $defaultServiceContext -TargetApplication $targetApp -Administrator $targetAppAdminAccount -Fields $fields -CredentialsOwnerGroup $ownerClaims
# Set credential (username, password) for SSS
$ssApp = Get-SPSecureStoreApplication -ServiceContext $defaultServiceContext -Name $sssName
$credSecValue1 = ConvertTo-SecureString $sssAdminIdentity -AsPlainText -Force
$credSecValue2 = ConvertTo-SecureString $sssAdminPassword -AsPlainText -Force
$credentialValues = $credSecValue1,$credSecValue2
write-host -f Green "Success"
# Fill in the values for the fields in the target application
Write-Host -f yellow "Updating Secure Store Application $sssName Identity Credential Values"
Update-SPSecureStoreGroupCredentialMapping -Identity $ssApp -Values $credentialValues
write-host -f Green "...Success"
Stop-SPAssignment -Global
Function Calling -
$sssName = "SecureStoreName"$sssFriendlyName = "Secure Store Friendly Name"
$sssContactEmail = ""
$sssAdminIdentity = "domain\user"
$sssAdminPassword = "Password"
$defaultServiceContextUrl = "http://server:port/"
CreateSecureStoreApplicationID $sssName $sssFriendlyName $sssContactEmail $sssAdminIdentity $sssAdminPassword $defaultServiceContextUrl
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