Monday, August 19, 2013

Upload File In Document Library Using PowerShell

Use UploadFileInLibrary function to upload a file in SharePoint document Library.

Parameters : 
  1. $webUrl - Mandatory - SharePoint Web Url - e.g. http://server:port/ 
  2. $DocLibName - Mandatory - SharePoint Library Name 
  3. $FilePath - Mandatory - File Path on hard drive , e.g. .\abc.xlsx

function UploadFileInLibrary

    Start-SPAssignment -Global 
    $spWeb = Get-SPWeb -Identity $webUrl
    $spWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = $true;
    $List = $spWeb.Lists[$DocLibName]
    $folder = $List.RootFolder
    $FileName = $FilePath.Substring($FilePath.LastIndexOf("\")+1)
    $File= Get-ChildItem $FilePath
    [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFile]$spFile = $spWeb.GetFile("/" + $folder.Url + "/" + $File.Name)
    $flagConfirm = 'y'
    if($spFile.Exists -eq $true)
        $flagConfirm = Read-Host "File $FileName already exists in library $DocLibName, do you    want to upload a new version(y/n)?"
    if ($flagConfirm -eq 'y' -or $flagConfirm -eq 'Y')
        $fileStream = ([System.IO.FileInfo] (Get-Item $File.FullName)).OpenRead()
        #Add file
        write-host -NoNewLine -f yellow "Copying file " $File.Name " to " $folder.ServerRelativeUrl "..."
        [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFile]$spFile = $folder.Files.Add($folder.Url + "/" + $File.Name, [System.IO.Stream]$fileStream, $true)
        write-host -f Green "...Success!"
        #Close file stream
        write-host -NoNewLine -f yellow "Update file properties " $spFile.Name "..."
        $spFile.Item["Title"] = "Document Metrics Report"
        write-host -f Green "...Success!"
    $spWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = $false;

    Stop-SPAssignment -Global  

Function  Calling -

$webUrl = "http://sever:port"
$DocLibName = "DocLib1"
$filePath =  ".\text.xlsx"
UploadFileInLibrary $webUrl  $DocLibName $filePath

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